jujubest biologocal technology co,ltdisarespect for natureas the guiding ideology, agriculture, industry, culture, tourismandservicesin one of thejoint-stock enterprise.
This, I reallylove"is the core conceptofcorporate culture, orientedto market demand, to build one hundreddatesschematobecomethefirstbrandofChinesejujubeindustry. Afoodcompany basedjujubeintopeople"eat it", the introduction of new consumerconceptofjujube-grain"to guide the consumer demand, and create another newblue oceanjujube industry. "One hundred datesschema-homedatesgrainproductchief selling pointthefamilynutritionist's image as the carrier,tobreakthepre-consumer eating habits, take upfor each family's mission toprovide nutritionjujube-grain.
Company Profile:
Company Name:
jujubest biologocal technology co,ltd
Legal Form:
Corporation/Limited Liability Company (Manufacturer)